President: Mick Goldsmith
Vice President: Kim Krall
Secretary: Gary Thomas
Treasurer: Frank Cody
At Large: Gerry Hoyt
Tee's / Jerseys: Rebecca Miller
Donations: Felicity Purzycki
Head Coaches for the 2024 season as of 8/12/2004
Pre-K: Jenielle Shea
Kindergarten: Mike Sanquist & Taylor Cassano
1st Grade: Mac Vanarsdale & Mariah Walsh
2nd Grade: Jenna Lyons
2nd Grade: Kat Daley
3rd Grade Thunder: Dylan Wajda
3rd Grade Lightning: Anthony Bollinger
3rd Grade Tornadoes: Allison Horwath
3rd Grade Hurricanes: TBD
4th Grade Boys Thunder: John Chambers
4th Grade Boys Lightning: TBD
4th Grade Girls: Stephanie Holland- Caccomo
5th/6th Boys Thunder: Laura Maguire
5th /6th Boys Lightning: Gary Nelson
5th / 6th Boys Tornadoes: Dane Dickie
5th/ 6th Girls Thunder: Matt Willy
5th / 6th Girls Lightning: Ted Rivers
5th / 6th Girls Hurricanes: TBD